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Decentral Energy Supply by Renewable Sources

Technologies, Markets, Communal Perspectives

The revised 2. Edition is published in 2021 and availabe as Download.

The present title gives and overview and introduction in technologies for a renewable energy supply and related technical basics. It is designed as a textbook and can be also applied as handbook and reference book. Moreover principles are considered, which are less prevalent in Europe, such as updraft wind plants or solar ponds. Thus it is usefull for international projects and in the context of technical cooperations. Beyond that concepts for the development of rural areas as well as financing and market models are reviewed.

By numerous background information (such as „discharge figures in hydrology“ or „global cost comparison of photovoltaic systems“) baseline knowledge can be extended self-contained.  Depending on the phase of studies or for intensifying and recapitulation of learning contents the book the book can be consulted consistently. Calculations base on concrete questions. By this approach the author inspires to apply the acquired knowledge for the critical evaluation of actual situations.

Springer (in German)
Flyer (in German)

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