Clever Solutions for the Future of Energy
Natural resources for energy supply fall short - we know about. But how to procede? Are new technologies and energy efficiency the high road to the heart of a sustainable energy supply? May next generation's coal fired power stations perform climate neutral? Is photovoltaic the Holy Grail of electricity production? Often there are single-edged, biased answers to these questions. In my new textbook "Umdenken. Clevere Lösungen für die Energiezukunft" (Rethink. Clever Solutions for the Future of Energy) background and details are introduced which are regularly lost out of sight in discussions concerning sustainable energy supply and querying convenient positions.
Focus is put on ecological, economical, political and social impact of an (unavoidable) reconstruction of energy supply - and not on (alleged) advantages and disadvantages of distinct technologies. Beside the extremely successful achievements this title addresses also negative consequences of the German renewable energies act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG) and the ploys at the Europüean Energy Exchange (EEX). Additionally, typically concealed issues of grid enhancements and insincere arguments for cost comparisons between conventional and regenerative electricity production are picked out as central themes. Thus, well known statements like: "The phase-out from nuclear power productions leads to increasing electricity prices" are challanged.
In chapter "old wine in new skins" (Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen) the potentials of "New Oil" and "New Gas" are highlitet, as well as from coal and nuclear power production. In "The Future already Starts" (Die Zukunft hat bereits begonnen) energy transistion is foccused to discuss aspects of economy and efficiency. This book puts common point of views on the test bed and disrupts some line of arguments. Therefore social, political and economical prerequisites for a successful energy transition are depicted and valuated. By this, the reader gains powerful arguments for energy related discussions.
(Title available in German, only.)
Recension in Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Scientific American, German Ed.)
Recension in Literature Portal Leser-Welt
Talk at Sustainability Dialog Wiesbaden (2.6 MB, in German)